Nurse ممرضة
Starting From

AED 99

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Tests Included

Nursing Services خدمات تمريض
ECG Serivce ECG Service
Blood Pressure Measurement قياس ضغط الدم
Palliative Care رعاية كبار السن
Vitamins Injections ابر فيتامينات
Vaccinations التطعيمات


<div><span style="font-size: 16px; color: var(--bs-card-color);">There will be a QUICK CALL BACK SERVICE, after filling your details you can&nbsp; complete the booking without ANY ONLINE PAYMENT.&nbsp;</span><br></div><div><span style="font-size:16px;">The TOTAL PAYMENT FOR ANY Nursing Service will be Quoted after the Free Call/WhatsApp Assessment. The price shown is just the estimated starting price.&nbsp;</span></div><div><br></div><span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><font color="#31859b"><b> Why Book a Nursing service from Bewell ?</b></font></span><div><font color="#31859b"><span style="font-size: 16px;">We Understand your exact Healthcare needs.&nbsp;<br></span></font><div>To be a **competent and effective nurse**, one must possess a combination of both **hard skills** (learned through training, education, or certification) and **soft skills** (habits or traits that enable effective collaboration and communication). Let's delve into the essential skills for nurses that we can promise you if you decide to book thru Bewell:<span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><font color="#31859b"><b> 1. Communication Skills:</b></font></span><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Nurses regularly interact with other healthcare professionals, patients, and their families. Effective communication is crucial. Key components include:</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Verbal communication**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Written communication**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Positive nonverbal communication/body language**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Active listening ability**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Confidence**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Clarity**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Tone**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Ability to give and receive feedback**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Respect**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Responsiveness**</div><span style="font-size:14px;"><br> <br> <span style="font-size:16px;"><font color="#31859b"><b>2. Interpersonal Skills:</b></font></span></span><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- These skills allow nurses to interact positively with others and collaborate effectively as part of a team. Prioritize:</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Dependability**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Leadership**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Cooperation**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Patience**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Motivation**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Flexibility**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Responsibility**</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- **Work ethic**</div><span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><font color="#31859b"> 3.</font></span><span style="font-size: 16px;"><b style=""><font color="#31859b" style="">Empathy</font></b></span><b style="color: var(--bs-card-color); font-size: 0.875rem;"></b><span style="color: var(--bs-card-color); font-size: 0.875rem;">:</span><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Nurses encounter patients struggling with health issues. Being empathetic helps provide quality patient care by understanding their experiences and emotions.</div><span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><b><font color="#31859b"> 4. Attention to Detail:</font></b></span><div><b></b></div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Nurses must avoid mistakes and identify problems in test results or patient conditions.</div><span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><b><font color="#31859b"> 5. Critical Thinking:</font></b></span></div><div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Nurses analyze complex symptoms during emergency situations and find solutions.</div><span style="font-size:16px;"><br> <br><font color="#31859b"><b> 6. Time Management:</b></font></span></div><div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;- Prioritizing work and staying organized are essential for efficient patient care.</div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>Nursing is immensely fulfilling, and these skills contribute to providing compassionate and effective healthcare. By booking nursing services with bewell we can assure you these values are fulfilled.&nbsp;</b></div></div></div> <div><br></div>

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Center Visit

Home Visit



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Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
How can i book a Nursing services?
Start your booking by clicking on BOOK NOW button at the right bottom corner of the screen and receive a Call Back/ WhatsApp message from 0544730073 to explain your exact nursing needs.
What are the Nursing Visit booking options?
There are two visit options. The first option is nursing at a nearby medical center from you. The second visit option is Nursing from your home/hotel.
What is the price for Nursing services?
The Total nursing fees will be calculated after the Free Call/WhatsApp Assessment To Understand your exact HealthCare needs. The price shown is just the Starting price.
Why should I book a nurse thru Bewell?
We understand your needs first then send you the right nurse with the right skills and experience in the field.