H.Pylori Urea Breath Test H.Pylori Urea Breath Test
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13C- Urea Lateral Breath Test 13C- Urea Lateral Breath Test


<div><span style="color: var(--bs-card-color); font-size: 0.875rem;"><span style="font-size:24px;">Urea Breath Test</span></span></div><span style="font-size:18px;"><br> <br> The Urea Breath Test is a fast, non-invasive way to detect Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a common cause of stomach issues, including ulcers. This test works by measuring how your body breaks down a urea solution in your breath, accurately indicating the presence of H. pylori.<br> <br> For best results, please avoid eating for 4-6 hours before the test and ensure you haven't taken any antibiotics in the past three days. At Bewell, we make it easy to book your Urea Breath Test online, with a hassle-free experience from start to finish.</span> <div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: 24px;">اختبار التنفس باليوريا</span></div><div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: 24px;"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: 24px;">يعد اختبار التنفس باليوريا طريقة سريعة وغير جراحية للكشف عن بكتيريا هيليكوباكتر بيلوري (H. pylori)، وهي سبب شائع لمشاكل المعدة، بما في ذلك القرحة. يعمل هذا الاختبار عن طريق قياس كيفية تحليل جسمك لمحلول اليوريا في أنفاسك، مما يشير بدقة إلى وجود بكتيريا هيليكوباكتر بيلوري.</span></div><div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: 24px;"><br></span></div><div style="text-align: right; "><span style="font-size: 24px;">للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يرجى تجنب تناول الطعام لمدة 4-6 ساعات قبل الاختبار والتأكد من عدم تناول أي مضادات حيوية في الأيام الثلاثة الماضية. في Bewell، نسهل عليك حجز اختبار التنفس باليوريا عبر الإنترنت، مع تجربة خالية من المتاعب من البداية إلى النهاية.</span></div>

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What is the Urea Breath Test used for?
The Urea Breath Test is used to detect Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, which can cause stomach issues such as ulcers and gastritis.
How should I prepare for the test?
Patients need to fast for 4-6 hours before the test and avoid antibiotics for at least three days prior to the appointment. If you’re on any medications, please consult with your healthcare provider.
How long does the test take?
The Urea Breath Test itself typically takes about 15-20 minutes, with the entire appointment usually completed within 30 minutes.
Is the Urea Breath Test safe?
Yes, the test is non-invasive and considered safe for most people. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling.
Can I eat or drink before the test?
To ensure accurate results, please refrain from eating or drinking (including water) for 4-6 hours before the test.
When will I receive my results?
Results are typically available within 1-2 days. You will be notified once they are ready, and they can be shared electronically with you or your healthcare provider.
Can I take the test if I recently used antibiotics?
Antibiotics can affect test accuracy, so please ensure that you have not taken any in the three days prior to your test.
Is the test covered by insurance?
Coverage may vary depending on your insurance provider and plan. Please check with your insurance provider regarding coverage details for this test.
What happens if I test positive for H. pylori?
If you test positive, your healthcare provider may recommend treatment options such as antibiotics to clear the infection and manage symptoms. Further tests may also be suggested if needed.
How do I book the Urea Breath Test?
You can easily book your Urea Breath Test online through our website, selecting a time and location that suits you. Our team is available to help with any questions or assist with the booking process.